Saturday, October 25, 2008

The waiting game.

Ok, so I know I'm lame. I haven't posted in, cough** cough** three months cough** cough** I kept waiting for some new info and well we don't have a whole lot. Hmmm, Let's see the Nation Institutes of Health's Rare and Undiagnosed diseases program (mouthful I know)is still looking at her, which is a good thing, although fairly neutral since we still don't know if she's been accepted. UCSF is thinking on her and is trying to contact the NIH and have no idea how that is going. So on this front we are still waiting.

I can say the adoption paperwork is coming along. We've finished all our classes and I've started getting background stuff turned in. I'm still working on the homestudy, which is just a ton of questions. But I can understand why, they want to be sure these kids get a good home. So its work work work on the paperwork for now.

As for a good home, my oh my do we need a bigger one. The housing market out here stinks right now, so we feel stuck in our 2 bedroom and we really really need at least 1more bedroom. We are contemplating renting this one out but that just seems like a ton of work, ick. So on this front also we are waiting.

Well thats about it. We did have a great Halloween party last night. Bunch of folks from our home group and some friends from church. I can say by 10pm we were all tired and ready for bed. Getting old stinks. I remember when the evening used to start at 10pm. I guess that was before kids and days that started at 5:30/6:00 in the morning. Sleep holds a lot more meaning than it did when I was young and stupid.

Ah well, we did have a great time visited, ate a lot of food (not enough though I still have leftovers) and played a couple silly games. Oh yes and watched the Corpse Bride and Young Frankenstein.

so I say to you "hrmmmmmm" and hope to have good news later.


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