Thursday, January 10, 2008


Well the good news is the tests are back and Naomi doesn't show any mutations on the genes that might indicate CF. Whether or not they want to revisit the sweat test I don't know but at least for now its good news. \
And we needed some good news, its been a rough week or so with me out sick and Naomi developing an ear infection and a yeast infection on her horrible diaper rash. (I both love and hate anti-biotics). Of course this made her irritable and threw off her already off sleep patterns, its been a tough week of her sleeping in the day and being awake and cranky all night. At least she was well enough to go to school today and had a wonderful time. And hopefully a few days of school will help her get her rhythm back.

As for us tonight it is off to choir for the first time in a few weeks and I am looking forward to it.
Thats all for now. Will update when we learn more.

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