Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Evening

As you can see, I'm not very good at this blogging thing. I find my self getting too distracted by bright shiny things. As of right now Naomi is happy and stable. She is having some problems with her g-tube site and may require surgery to move it, but for now she is happy and healthy. She is currently laying on her play mat chewing on her pj arm and tossing her banana toy (referred to as Naners) around. She gets herself so tickled that she almost can't breath for laughing so much.

I've spent most of the last 6 months with her alone while hubby was deployed and truly found myself bonding with her in a way I haven't over the last 7 years. She was entirely dependent on just me, there was no backup. I made myself slow down, and just be, lesson one from my special little girl. For a type A like me that is not easy, I am usually planned down to the last nanosecond. But I am learning to just be, not stress, not plan, just enjoy my moments with her. Now to take that lesson and apply it to my time with God, which I admit, I more than often don't do. I think it is time the TV is off more than on, and in the quiet time I have I make the time to sit and just be. Thank you Naomi.